"Be watchful, stand firm...act like men,"
1 Corinthians 16:13
The goal of the HMC Men's Department is to encourage men to assume their rightful role as caretakers, servants and leaders in their family and the church. In addition, our Men's Department is dedicated to helping provide men with resources that will develop them in the areas.
Since part of our goal of this department is to encourage men to become better CARETAKERS, we have developed different 'teams' to help ensure that we properly discharge this duty. Each 'team' is given a specific assignment relating to the overall CARE of our church. We ask every man of our church to, if possible, serve on at least one of these teams each year.
Maintenance Team
The Maintenance Team is responsible for the overall upkeep of the church's building. The Maintenance Team is responsible for the interior and exterior maintenance of the church. This includes, but is not limited to, all light electrical and mechanical work, heating, cooling, etc. For issues that cannot be resolved within this department, this Team will work with the finance officers of the church to contract external support.
Grounds Team
The Grounds Team is responsible for all landscaping and general upkeep of the church's property. The Grounds Team is responsible for plowing and salting the parking lots and walkways during winter months, as well as mowing and edging the lawn during summer and spring months. The Grounds Team is also responsible for making sure the shrubs and flowers around the building are maintained and kept looking beautiful. For issues that cannot be resolved within this department, this Team will work with the finance officers of the church to contract external support.
Events Team
The Events Team works closely with our Men's Department to help handle special services and events. The responsibilities of this team include, but are not limited to, opening/closing the church during special events, preparing the sanctuary/fellowship hall for special events, filling/draining baptismal pool every first Sunday of the month, providing light custodial work before/after special events or meetings.